Whenever it gets to summer, the heat is always on and up to a higher level every year!
And oh, do we SWEAT!
My sweat glands are often quiet but something happened at the start of this summer! My sweat glands have been in overdrive.
I am sure yours are too, especially as all over the globe we have been experiencing record high temperatures since summer officially began just a few months ago.
That brings me to the topic of sweat and the yoni.
At the office, many women always complain about vaginal odors. Off the bat, the infection comes to mind. The first instinct is always to fix with antibiotics.
However, since the summer season, I have realised that half of the time, there is no infection at all!
So, what then is the cause of the funky odor?
Yes! Sweat…. And often lots of it.
Many women have failed to realise that heat, moisture and the yoni are not good combinations.
Think of when you do your work out. Your clothes are all sweaty, right?
Now, what happens if you keep the sweaty clothes on all day? You end up with a funky odor, right?
Well, a similar thing happens down in the yoni.
It’s not that we don’t bathe properly or wear clean clothes. It’s just the sweating and moisture that turn the tables from freshness to funkinesss.
When you are prone to sweating a lot, deodorisation must become an important part of your hygiene routine.
Trust me, girl. If you don’t take steps to block odors, they will come up to you very boldly.
It is even worse in this summer’s boiling heat. You must take the extra steps to prevent unwanted scents.
If you have gone through my guide, Treating Your Cookie Good, you will recall my anthem that sanitation is key.
Of course, you must launder and treat the
underwear appropriately. The panties NEED the UV rays of the sun to kills those
bugs which sometimes remain after the usual cycle of laundry.
But, today, I want
to add to this. There are a few personal care items women can use to keep the
yoni fresh and smelling cute.
These are normal skin care products that you would otherwise use, but they are effective at preventing odours that begin in the areas around the yoni.
The Sweat Glands and Odors
So, most women that I treat don’t realize that the sweat glands in the hairy surfaces around the yoni are responsible most times for the odor they experience.
These sweat glands kick up the warmer the temperature. Therefore, I always advice wearing cotton panties.
The cotton allows the skin to breath better and keeps cooler for longer. However, with the rising temperatures we have been seeing this summer, you can still end up sweating through that cotton. At least in Jamaica, I do.
We know that when we get sweaty if we are not careful, we can end up having a smelly funky situation.
So, today, I will give you 5 methods you can use to prevent a funky situation in the yoni:
The mons pubis (hairy section above the vagina) is hairy just like an unshaved armpit.
Our deodorants serve the purpose of reducing odours caused by the bacteria acting on our sweat. Well, it does the same thing for your rosy yoni.
I recommend the Degree and Dove brands. These brands are generally quite mild on the skin and inexpensive.
All you need to do:
- get a stick dedicated to the yoni…
- After you shower and dry the hairs…
- gently glide it across the mons.
It’s as easy as 1-2-3.
Now, if you don’t want to use the stick, then you have the options of the deodorant sprays.
Trust me, this thing keeps you so fresh. You will feel like you just left the shower.
Girl, you need to be using this for everything. In this heat, you can sweat up a storm easily.
Can you imagine, you go to do number 1 or 2 and you don’t clean properly. What if you miss a spot?
Oh Lord, what a funky mess that would be.
When I do pelvic exams on some of my female clients, I sometimes notice this odour that emits from that tiny space between the anus and the vajajay.
We call this area the perineal body. It’s like a central or converging point for sweat and bacteria.
Sometimes, I note that there is a lot of sweat and debris from the anus all gathered there.
To prevent a situation like this, I suggest using wet wipes to clean up everything each time.
The less sweat and bacteria you have remaining on your skin, the less the possibility of odours.
If you read the post of Treating the cookie good, you would have remembered me talking about this.
Spraying perfume on the mons pubis can be a bit irritating. Therefore, the next best thing to do is to spray the same perfume or fragrance on the underwear itself.
Come on now, don’t soak the panties, but use just enough to smell fresh for about 12 hours.
Essential oils are another alternative. I love these and they give an amazing smell. It makes your sit-down-air smell so good!
Speaking of sit-down-air, we have to touch on washing the backside.
Now, you need your sit-down-air to be either smelling either so good or no smell at all.
You CANNOT afford to have your sit-down-air smelling like gunk. Eewww!!!!
Y’all may not like this one, but it’s something that has worked for me.
I use a soap that’s a bit stronger to wash my rear end at times. I have used either Dove for Men or the Irish Spring liquid soaps.
The rear end needs to be washed clean at bath time. NEVER walk out of the shower without checking how that area smells.
If you check and it doesn’t smell fresh, it simply means you got to wash it again. You just have to give the area a little extra attention for a few more minutes. This ensures freshness.
So, when you get off or sit down on a chair, the air that is displaced by your body is not going to offend someone sitting beside you.
NEVER allow another person to ever have something embarrassing to think about you when it comes to your level of hygiene.
As I said, the summer is bound to get sizzling hot. We are already having days of record-breaking temperatures!
So, sweating down to your panties won’t be an uncommon phenomenon.
Hence, I suggest keeping an extra pair of underwear to change when the one you’re wearing gets soaked.
If your undies feel wet, it’s very easy for the funkiness to surface within minutes.
Therefore, an easy solution is to take an extra clean, treated underwear with you to work and change in when your undies are obviously wet.
There you go ladies, you are all set and ready for those warm, sweaty summer days ahead.
Remember that yeast infection is quite common in the summer months so, watch out for that.
Other vaginal infections can increase too so beware and do what you must to avoid them. Self-care is the best care. Remember to keep hydrated to prevent dehydration which can lead to heat strokes and death.
Have a great day, lovie.
Thanks a lot. This really helped.